The risks of a gambling addiction from betting at a horse race are no different from any other type of gambling. Spending too much money is another worry for some as it is very easy to become excited and through caution to the wind and lose track of how much you are spending. The thrill of winning is compelling and it can be a quick form of gambling to get addicted to.

It might be less dangerous if some thought and research into the sport were undertaken before any bets were placed. Information is key and knowing more about what you are doing can be more enjoyable.
Keep in control of your finances by knowing your limit for spending and stick to it. Plan ahead by working out if you want to bet on every race or would like to put a higher stake on some races and nothing on others.
If you bet everything on one race you may not win and be left with nothing to spend, at this point the temptation to spend more money that was not factored into your budget.
If you know or suspect that you have a problem with gambling or at a high risk of becoming addicted then you should avoid horse race betting. If you have never had any problems with addiction, you see a day at the races as good fun where you can spend some money and you have good self-discipline then betting on horses or dogs will be a fantastic day out.
Betting on horses is in no way any more or less dangerous than any other gambling. The risk of addiction to horse racing is there if you are susceptible to it. Avoidance or, if you can, taking control over your gambling is advisable If you believe you could easily become addicted to horse racing.
Those with a gambling problem often showed that they had other issues. An good example of this is deep psychological problems. Further to these tests the subject’s mental problems and then adding a gambling environment would enhance the possibility of the subject suffering a gambling addiction as they were more amenable to develop a gambling problem.